Since this week Katie Couric announced she was leaving the show after 15 years, I decided that my fieldtrip today would be to go down to Rockefeller Plaza and try to get some pictures of her on the show (no, I was not trying to get on tv, but that did happen to be an unintended consequence, I guess I'm two for two for the past two Fridays). I actually had to set an alarm this morning; 6:45 my phone/alarm went off. I had somehow convinced Jeff to walk with me to get a bagel and then walk together down to his work/Rockefeller (they're relatively close, or at least one is mostly on the way to the other). So we both rolled out of bed before 7 this morning and got out the door just after 7. And, YES, I did remember my camera AND I put fully charged batteries in before I left as well. Although I was feeling slightly under the weather (what I fondly refer to as "the day before you're sick" feeling), I pushed through for the sake of Fieldtrip Friday.
Since I am a freakishly loyal Today Show fan, I knew they always headed outside around 8 AM, so my goal was to get there by then. I walked up around 8:05 and saw Matt Lauer and Al Roker "out on the plaza" but no sign of Katie. I was desperately hoping that I hadn't missed my chance. I snapped a few (not so great) pictures of Matt and Al and hoped for another appearance. I positioned myself so that I could see them when they came out from inside, so no matter where they ended up taping the segment, I would at least get a view/shot of Katie if she came out again. LUCKILY, I had my chance about a half hour later. I saw Al and Matt come out and, gasp, stand right in front of a group of Ohio University students (Matt's an OU alum, see I AM a freakish fan) which happened to be standing right next to me. I was disappointed, no Katie. And then, at the last minute she ran out (literally), and I think my heart actually sped up a little. I didn't actually think I was that big of a fan, and I'm terribly embarrassed to admit it, but alas there it is. I'm usually not so excited when I see famous people either (in fact I mostly think to myself, "huh, there's so and so").

Anyways, I got two pretty darn good pictures, one of Matt and one of mostly Katie with a random OU student.

Pretty exciting stuff, huh?
So, anyways, it was a pretty exciting morning for me. But, today's title, "The End of an Era" not only refers to Katie, but unfortunately it also refers to my Fieldtrip Fridays. Some of you know, I'll be starting as a Sales Associate at a major national retailer next week. While I still plan to go on many fieldtrips (I'll be off at least one weekday a week), they may not be appearing exclusively on Fridays, I'm really just trying to keep you guessing. I'm sure though, with this position, I'll have many an exciting story to tell, it may just provide enough material to launch this blog to prime time (highly doubtful).
Stay tuned!
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